file server
file server, n:
file server
file server
n 1: (computer science) a digital computer that provides
workstations on a network with controlled access to shared
file server
file server

Hardware and software that together provide file-handling and
storage functions for multiple users on a {local area
network}. The most common choices for file server software
are Sun Microsystems' Network File System for Unix and
Novell Netware for IBM PC compatibles. There is also a
version of NFS for PCs called PC-NFS. Storing files on a
file server saves having multiple copies stored on individual
computers, thus economising on disk space and also makes
administrating and updating the files easier.
podobné slovodefinícia
dedicated file server
dedicated file server, n:
non-dedicated file server
non-dedicated file server, n:
dedicated file server
dedicated file server
n 1: (computer science) a file server that can be used only as a
file server [ant: non-dedicated file server]
non-dedicated file server
non-dedicated file server
n 1: (computer science) a file server that can be used
simultaneously as a workstation [ant: {dedicated file

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